Forum Discussion

Matthew's avatar
Icon for Iress Team rankIress Team
3 days ago

AMA: I'm Matthew Townsend, Xplan tasks expert and product manager at Iress, Ask Me Anything!

Got a burning question? Join me here on Wednesday 10th July from 2pm to 2:30pm.

With years of experience helping advisers, paraplanners and licensees streamline their task management on Xplan, I’m here to help.

Start popping in your questions below and Ask Me Anything!

Save the date in your calendar here.

3 Replies

  • MatTenison's avatar
    Icon for Advisely Board rankAdvisely Board

    Hi Matthew, I paid someone a couple of years ago to create our current threads in xplan. They're great as they automatically open up emails and file notes at specific times of the thread. If I want to make changes to these, where would I go and do you feel this is something most people could set up on without IT or xplan guru support? How would someone get started setting these up from scratch as can make a real difference to a business!  

  • tl's avatar
    Curious Observer

    Hi Matthew,

    1. When an email is sent when completing a task (task outcome). Is it possible to have the email template open (to allow it to be edited) rather than send immediately?
    2. Under 'Classic tasks' I'm able to search by 'Case / Thread Template' which I find very useful. How can I do this using the new 'Tasks' hub.
  • Welcome everyone to an Advisely Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread!

    Here's how to get involved:

    1. Submit Your Questions: Just type them out and post now ahead of the AMA! This is a text-based event, so no audio or video is needed. Whatever Xplan Task Hub questions you have, Matthew will be here to answer during the scheduled time.
    2. Be Respectful: Keep it friendly and professional. Respectful dialogue makes the AMA enjoyable and informative for everyone.
    3. Stay Engaged: Feel free to follow up or ask about different topics as the thread goes on. The more you interact, the richer the conversation.
    4. Enjoy the Experience: Use this opportunity to gain insights, share laughs, and connect. Let’s make this AMA one to remember!

    Looking forward to all your amazing questions and let the asking begin!

    An exclusive badge is also available for participation in the AMA!