Forum Discussion

jessica.lamb's avatar
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5 hours ago

Ask an Expert: Growth Masterclass Episode 3 - Sharpen your tools

Have you tuned in to episode 3 of the new Advisely Growth Masterclass series? 

If not, I highly encourage you to check out the second episode here

With new workflows in place, MatthewComan's next job is to put the client review process on autopilot and free up his team’s valuable time. In episode 3, I enlists Xplan’s powerful capabilities to help Twomeys become one of the 37% of advice businesses who have automated the client review process. 

This is a live thread to discuss all things relating to episode 3, so we would love to know:

  • What did you think?
  • What did you learn?
  • Do you have any questions for me? Leave them down below and tag me jessica.lamb 

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

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