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deladz's avatar
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2 months ago

AMA: We’re Dela Dzadey and Lana Graham, paraplanning and Xtools experts, Ask Us Anything!

Got a burning question? Join us here on Wednesday 22nd May from 2pm to 2:30pm.

For those who don’t know us, I’m Dela Dzadey, director and advice manager at TNT Group, helping bridge the efficiency gaps in advice production for advisers and paraplanners. Lana_Graham is the Xtools product manager and resident expert at Iress, and we’ll be hanging out here to answer any questions you have. In the meantime, you can start popping your questions below and Ask Us Anything! 

Update: This AMA has now ended but please continue to pop your questions down below or in the discussion forums and make sure you tag me at deladz or Lana_Graham 


25 Replies

  • tomm's avatar
    Curious Observer

    Any tips on reducing the load time when navigating between Scenarios, or even pages within an XTools scenario? This can sometimes take up to 5 seconds or longer to load a new page, which over time working on a plan can drain on productivity.

    • Lana_Graham's avatar
      Icon for Iress Contributor rankIress Contributor

      Great question tomm

      Below is a trick I learnt from a paraplanner shortly after joining Iress. 

      In Chrome, right click your mouse on the Xtools tab and select Duplicate. This will give you a second window, where you can navigate to another Xtools screen.

      I use this approach while testing, to check the impact of my changes on another part of the projection.

      You can use it to, for example to:
      -    Cash out lump sums from the Super Display screen and
      -    See the impact on Cashflow Consolidated.

      Note that you should use this method on one client scenario at a time. Switching between two separate scenarios in this way can corrupt your data entry. 

      Something else:

      We’re mindful that calculations can slow the screens, which is why we are gradually adding the ‘Click to Update’ feature (example below at the bottom of the Surplus screen).

      In the surplus screen, we have set up the screen so it only calculates when necessary, and when you “Click to Update.”

      If there is a particular input that you feel is refreshing the calculations unnecessarily, could you please let us know by lodging a support request? We’ll look at adding a Click to Update. Please see this Community page for How to lodge a support request.

  • Welcome everyone to an Advisely Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread!

    Here's how to get involved:

    1. Submit Your Questions: Just type them out and post now ahead of the AMA! This is a text-based event, so no audio or video needed. Whatever advice production and Xplan questions you have, either deladz or Lana_Graham will be here to answer during the scheduled time.
    2. Be Respectful: Keep it friendly and professional. Respectful dialogue makes the AMA enjoyable and informative for everyone.
    3. Stay Engaged: Feel free to follow up or ask about different topics as the thread goes on. The more you interact, the richer the conversation.
    4. Enjoy the Experience: Use this opportunity to gain insights, share laughs, and connect. Let’s make this AMA one to remember!
    An exclusive badge is also available for participation in the AMA!

    Looking forward to all your amazing questions and let the asking begin!

    EDIT: Don't forget to refresh the page for new questions and answers!