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Business Strategy

Hearing what’s unsaid: it’s all new for clients

Terry-Bell's avatar
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2 months ago

It’s often said that within the first seven seconds of meeting, people will form a solid impression of who you are and start to determine traits like trustworthiness. 

While this is a truly scary concept – and advisers should be mindful of it! – it’s also worth extrapolating the timeframe out a little and considering how new clients are onboarded and integrated into your business. This becomes especially important if your practice has a growth focus and you’re looking to increase the number of clients you serve. 

Interestingly, our CATScan Client Satisfaction Survey data shows that in the average Australian advisory business, 55% of clients are aged over 60 and 48% are already retired or no longer gainfully employed. For many firms, new client acquisition will be high on their priority list as they address the challenges of an ageing client demographic.

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