Forum Discussion

martin.joughin's avatar
Visiting Enthusiast
2 months ago

Tracking Client Progress

How do you track clients progress over time?

We sometimes put together a report showing the balance, withdrawals and contributions each year. This helps to show how the clients portfolio grows over time. However we're doing this manually and it's time consuming. Is there any automated way to do with? Any reports built into Xplan?  

Do you have any other good ways to show clients their progress? It would be especially good if there was a way to link it to their goals. 

  • siran.taylor's avatar
    Icon for Iress Contributor rankIress Contributor

    A really great question to table to the network martin.joughin

    Having a think about it, one of the most automated ways you could do this would be prepare a merge template similar to your Review Pack with all the components required for the report and then you could use Scheduler to automatically email out the report to the client. 

    Things to consider:

    • preparing an advanced search to idenfity the client list
    • ensure that the datafeed reconciliantion errors are checked and addressed frequently
    • in addition to the content in your current Review Pack you can add the coding for the Goals.  You can use Xword to acquire the code for the Goals.

    I am wondering if Jessica-Lamb would have any other suggestions?

  • Great question martin.joughin and something we wish could be automated from xplan. We have what we call an "ins and outs" table for all our discussion documents (reviews) but it is manual from the last time it was updated (usually within the last 9-12months) it provides great impact to clients who have been living off their investments for years to show what they have pulled out, but yet what their balances are. The other visual we have is a traffic light report that shows what has been achieved over time - goal, date, etc. which again is well received. Finally with projections we show the difference between the last lot of projections, what has changed eg. income, asset value etc. and what the assumptions are going forward.
    I'd love to be able to automate these and welcome any suggestions.

  • luke.watson3's avatar
    Visiting Enthusiast

    Great question martin.joughin  and something I have been grapling with. I would love to see Xplan provide an overlay of the original projection in charts with an up dated projection to easily visualise and track to see if the client is on target to meet their retirement goal and provide an updated visual to understand the longevity of funds. 

    When martin.joughin poses a question like this, does anyone from Xplan review these answers and provide feedback? primrose.foster 

    • primrose.foster's avatar
      Icon for Advisely Team rankAdvisely Team

      Absolutely luke.watson3 Our product team welcome feedback that can help improve the customer experience. I will be sharing this with the team, and will let you know what they say. 

  • Thanks so much martin.joughin for sharing this question. I look forward to hearing any insights the community may be able to share on this topic, and I will have an ask internally too! 

  • anne.graham's avatar
    Icon for Advisely Index Top 10 rankAdvisely Index Top 10

    That's a great question martin.joughin and I'm looking forward to reading the responses. We work mainly with retirees and one thing I do is to compare the projections made say 10 years ago (say at retirement) with their current situation. It's quite big picture but the conversation and insights it generates are quite rich. Delving into more detail re progress, on an automatic basis, would be beneficial and I'm sure enhance the client relationship.