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Transform your advice conversations with Visualise

Advisely-Team's avatar
Icon for Advisely Team rankAdvisely Team
11 months ago

At the click of a button you can help clients see their financial position and the impact of your advice.

What is Visualise?

Visualise is a client engagement tool which leverages Xplan’s CRM and modelling tools in a modern and easy to use interface. Advisers can use visualise to help their clients better understand their financial position, possibilities and recommendations.

Why should you use Visualise?
  1. Client engagement: Visuals designed to engage clients and articulate the value of advice, leading to a delightful advice experience that clients understand.
  2. Simple to use: Offers intuitive navigation in one screen, with all of the key tools and information within easy reach.
  3. One integrated & trusted system: It’s an engagement solution using and modifying Xplan data. It doesn’t require head office to look outside of Xplan for a solution.
  4. Modelling capabilities: Uses the feature-rich functionality of Xtools+ and allows advisers to quickly showcase the value they can offer their clients, and bring to life their clients’ current and future financial position.
How can you access Visualise?

Visualise can be accessed via the Hubs menu or via the Client Hub:

What do you need to access Visualise?

 A user will need the following to use it:

  • Licenses: Core, Client Focus.
  • Capabilities: Visualise, Login, Remove group data, Create/Edit Document, Add existing clients as partner entities, Client Focus, Create Clients, Edit Client, List/View Clients, Edit tasks, View Cases for Visible Clients.
  • To model strategies from Visualise, an Xtools+ capability is required.
  • To use the Monte Carlo Simulation, the Monte Carlo Simulation capability is required.
  • For details on how to set up case templates, please refer to the guide on the community.

Visualise contains functionality that we refer to as 'Discovery' (the screen which summarises the client data) and 'Cashflow Visualiser' (the modelling screens). 

For more information, please reach out to your relationship manager, or comment below.

Updated 10 months ago
Version 3.0
  • hayden.pike's avatar
    Social Sightseer

    I watched the webinar on Visualise, I liked its features and ease of use. I think it could be useful for presenting data clearly and engagingly.

    However, I wonder how Visualise could be used for review meetings to show a client's progress over time, as well as monitor and track the clients progress in comparison with previous years.

    I also want to know if there is a way to share and update the interactive visualisations with the clients, and if they can interact or comment on them through the portal?

    • nathan.greenaway's avatar
      Social Sightseer

      Hi Hayden, 

      Did you receive any updates on your query about using Visualise to illustrate a client's progress over time and comparing their progress with previous years? 

      • yuliatjhin377's avatar
        Icon for Iress Team rankIress Team

        Hi Hayden and Nate_Greenaway

        Thanks for your questions.

        You can indeed compare two scenarios in Visualise (i.e., one current scenario with one backdated scenario) to illustrate a client's progress over time. Currently, you can compare scenarios starting as early as 1 July 2023.

        In 2019, we introduced backdated scenarios so you can compare scenarios in Compare Charts (Xtools+, not Visualise). Check out this Iress Community article for more information.

        However, clients cannot comment on the graphs or track historical data in Visualise. We will consider this for future development.


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